S’Attaquer à la Dure Réalité de la Fin
En 2013, l’Organisation des Nations Unies a estimé que 6.7 million d’haïtiens font face à l’insécurité alimentaire. Ils ont rapporté que près de 1.5 million de personnes continuent à faire […]
Confronting the Harsh Reality of Widespread Hunger
In 2013, the United Nations announced, “6.7 million Haitians face food insecurity.” They report that some 1.5 million people continue to face “severe” or “acute food insecurity.” Stone of Help […]
Transforming Lives in Haiti via Christian Discipleship and Action
Stone of Help Ministry is proactive in offering aid and assistance to the life challenges of Haiti’s most vulnerable communities. Our mission is to promote spiritual and social transformation of […]